[transmediale] tm.salon: Nancy Adajania on Indian Media Art, 18. Juni

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Mi Jun 12 13:04:59 CEST 2002

(English version below)

transmediale.salon: Nancy Adajania - Neue Medienkunst in Indien

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2002, 20.00 Uhr

Podewil, Klosterstr. 68-70, 10179 Berlin
Eintritt: EUR 5 / 4

(in Englischer Sprache)

Während die neuen Kommunikations- und Bildtechnologien von den Unternehmern
der indischen Informatinsökonomie weitgehend angenommen worden sind, haben
sich bisher nur wenige indische Künstler mit digitaler Photographie,
Videoinstallationen oder dem Web beschäftigt. Ihnen bleibt oftmals nur die
Wahl zwischen einer generischen, weithin legitimierten Sprache des
Globalen, oder einem lokalen, exotischen Kunstidiom des Lokalen.

Nancy Adajania, Kunsttheoretikerin, Filmemacherin und seit zwei Jahren
Redakteurin der Zeitschrift Art India, diskutiert diese Fragen an Arbeiten
von Künstlern wie Ranbir Kaleka und Satish Sharma, Baiju Parthan, dem Sarai
Kollectiv, Nalini Malani, Sonia Khurana, Sharmila Samant, Shilpa Gupta, und
Vivan Sundaram. (weitere Informationen im englischen Text, siehe unten)



transmediale.salon: Nancy Adajania: New Media Art in India

Tuesday, 18 June 2002, 20.00 hrs

Podewil, Klosterstr. 68-70, 10179 Berlin
Entrance fee: EUR 5 / 4

(in English)

Nancy Adajania

The Ground Beneath Their Feet: Contemporary Indian Artists as Free-fliers
in the World of Underpasses

While the new technologies of communication and image production have been
embraced widely by  entrepreneurs of India's large informal economy,
contemporary Indian artists have been relatively slow and uncertain in
their adoption of such new media, with only a few artists making bold,
important moves into digital photography, video installations and web-based
works. Indian artists today are poised between the global and the local, in
which the global stands for an aspired-to and legitimising international
art language, while the local is treated merely as an exotic value
addition. Hence the title: the artists as 'free-fliers' in a world of
international bursaries and residencies, who could usefully address the
'underpasses' beneath their feet, and examine the cultural production that
goes on there.

Adajania will be discussing these questions in relation to the photo, video
and web-based work of artists like Ranbir Kaleka and Satish Sharma, Baiju
Parthan, The Sarai Collective, Nalini Malani, Sonia Khurana, Sharmila
Samant, Shilpa Gupta, and Vivan Sundaram.

Nancy Adajania is an art theorist and film-maker, based in Bombay. She has
been Editor of the arts journal, Art India, since March 2000. In this
capacity, she has accentuated the importance of public art and new media
art for the contemporary art situation, emphasising the intimate
connections between the aesthetic and the political, the private
artist-self and the public sphere. Her specific area of interest is the
emergence of what she describes as a 'new folkloric imagination': a
variegated mode of resistance, phrased across an array of cultural
practices including installation, cinema, photography and street theatre.



Preview / Vorschau:

transmediale salon: Joe Davis (USA): Undiscovered Genomes
Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2002, 20.00 Uhr

transmediale salon: David Behrman (USA): 40 years of home-made electronic music
Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2002, 20.00 Uhr
In Kooperation mit Singuhr-Hoergalerie in Parochial und dem Berliner
Kuenstlerprogramm des DAAD.

transmediale salon: Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas (LT) - Litauische Transaktionen
Donnerstag, 29. August 2002, 20.00 Uhr